The 20th century is marked by dramatic technology innovation. The time-warp project is an attempt to archive the rapid advance in technology through the decades. Initially we are starting from 1900 to the present. So much has happened since the harnessing of electricity!
The projects goal is to help preserve information about technology and make it accessible for future generations. The time-warp archive initial categories are:
- Calculating Machines
- Radio
- Audio Equipment
- Recorded Media
- TV
- Toys
- Photography
- Bibliotech (paper)
- Computers
- Gadget and Gizmos
- Telephones
- Clocks
As an incentive to preservation, we are offering an opportunity to promote on-line auctions. Look for the little icon that shows up in the exhibit halls.
We hope that others will join us to document their finds and treasures by submitting items to this project. We invite you to contact us with your ideas, suggestions and links. We look forward to seeing the submittals and seeing the time-warp project grow!
The time-warp project is also in need of sponsors. Please contact us about sponsorship opportunities.