Help on time-warp home page
Here are a few suggestions to assist you in your journey through time.
Be sure to change the numbers for the decades on the little golden panel by clicking on an arrow to navigate up or down. If you start your journey on our home page with the time machine then you are in the year 2000, the present decade.
Seeing the whole picture
It's pretty hard to fit an entire studio into a small monitor, so we designed time-warp for those with more viewing space. However, even our viewers with small monitors can enjoy the view by setting the resolution of their monitors to a higher setting. To do that, Windows users click on Start in the lower left corner and slide up to Settings, then out to Control Panel. Double click on the Display icon. Select Settings and reset your resolution to 1024 x 768. Mac users with OS8+ can change their resolution from the Control Strip at the bottom of their monitor screen.
Mac warning
We are currently working on a bug that Mac users may experience in Netscape. If that criteria fits your situation, you may notice the popup menus that appear when you rollover a photo icon don't always go away after you click on them. If this is happening to you. Roll back over the photo to "put it away." NOTE: This must be done before you roll over another image or the menus will stick. In that case, click directly on the image, not the text link, or refresh and begin again. We are working on this problem and hope to have it resolved soon. You may also elect to use Internet Explorer which has no known bugs. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Help in the decades
You can journey backwards in time and then move your mouse around the page to find the treasures. Youll see the categories and subcategories. Click on an item to see everything in that category.
We hope that participants are researching various pieces, adding various pieces and information. We hope that auction sellers will want to promote pieces that they have up for auction too, as well as preserve their digital archives of images.
Different monitors, computers, laptops, browsers and formats may cut off part of the decade rooms from your view, so we have a scroll bar for you to move from one side of the home to the other in each decade.
Finding items in the time-warp archives
This website is designed to be a participatory experience and we hope you enjoy discovering the items in the archive. There are several ways to search for goodies. From each decade you can search by category or subcategory for that decade, or you can use the search page. To use the search page, find the button marked search and click . . .
Using the search page
From SEARCH you can search items by decades, manufacturers, categories and subcategories, or the names of items across all decades or within decades. The search page can sort the archive in lots of ways: decades, categories, subcategories, manufacturers, keywords, or items that are currently on auction!
We hope sellers will want to promote appropriate items that they are auctioning and help preserve and grow the digital archive.
Help on Submissions
What can you submit? We want digital images and descriptions of vintage technology through the decades to grow the archive, so weve created a submission form for your use. The form actually enables you to give us pictures that are on your computers hard drive with the click of a button.
The Submissions Page
The first thing you fill in on this form is what we consider the name of the item. Please dont include the category or the manufacturer here. A model name or number or a descriptive name if you are unsure of the model is preferred here. Get creative!
Next choose one of the categories.
Next select a subcategory (or "general" if nothing fits just right.)
Decade and Manufacturer are required fields. The year of manufacture is optional. Please put it in if your item has a date on it, or if you know the year of release of that item.
Then its picture time! Our software actually helps find the image/s on your hard drive. When you browse, you will see your computer files come up in a "Choose File" window. First you will have to "Look In", by locating the folder where your pictures lives on your computer. Most people save pictures in a folder within their hard drive, so if you come up on your desktop folder, youll need to click the right arrow to scroll down and locate the specific folder in your computer. Youre almost there!
Once youve found the folder, open it and youll be able to find the name of the picture. Click on it and select open and it will appear in the image box on the submissions form and when you submit, it will become a part of the time-warp archives.
Be sure to put a picture in the first box, if you have more than one picture. The picture in the first box, will be the one featured in our Exhibit halls, along with the item name and manufacturer. In order to see the other pictures and descriptions, a participant will have to click on your item.
That leads to the next box, Description. Please state the known features of your item and anything that might make it significant. HTML is fine in the description box. Feel free to elaborate in the Historical Significance box if you know more about the item in its relationship to technology of the time in a broader perspective, or perhaps background tidbits.
Purchase Date and Purchase Price
These are optional fields that may be of value to collectors. If you remember when and for how much you purchased this item we welcome you to share that information.
Auction Info is next. If you are an auction seller, you may submit information about auctions that you are running for vintage technology items. Please do not enter web pages of auctions unless you are the seller. First enter the URL, this is the actual webpage where your auction item can be seen on the web. You do not need to tell us which auction site you are using. By supplying the page address which you can copy and paste, participants can go straight to your auction item without having to search for it. The on-line auctions usually supply you with the URL when they confirm your listing to auction sites. Auction sellers; please enter the ending date and time in the format specified. We are using a 24-hour clock time based upon American Pacific Coast time.
Website Title and URL
We are looking for links to relevant websites that refer to the item youve posted. We would like you to submit the name of the website and the URL for that website. If you are not the website owner, please obtain permission to post the link as a courtesy to the website owner before you post on the time-warp.
We do not post all links we receive. We are looking for website museums that help enrich the information about the technology in the archive.
Submitter Information
We also ask you to identify yourself on the submission form, as we expect you to stand behind the information you submit. Please only submit images of items that you yourself have taken or have obtained permission to use. Posting them on our site gives us the rights to publish them in the archive. For more info there is the fine print on the bottom of the form and read our Privacy Statement regarding our use of the info you provide to us.
Events Page
We welcome you to submit events for our events page. Please contact us using the form. We will post relevant upcoming technology related gatherings.
If you need more help in using the time-warp archives please contact us.